
Research projects and time constraints

So, it’s been an unexpectedly (and unintentionally) long time since my last post. I’ve been working on my M.A. thesis project, which I had intended to document in this blog. I wanted to update where things stand. This site sets out a larger research program, to identify the dimensions that describe our ideologies of childhood.…Continue readingResearch projects and time constraints


Thoughts on ‘What is DH?’

Drawing tendentious distinctions between ‘fields’ or ‘disciplines’ or ‘approaches’ or ‘methods’ of thinking is at least as old as Socrates, who (at least as Plato presents him to us) very desperately wanted to distinguish ‘philosophy’ from ‘rhetoric’ (or ‘sophistry’) and ‘poetry’. These days, one almost expects to see new ‘fields’ proclaimed weekly. Which then requires…Continue readingThoughts on ‘What is DH?’


Methods: a first stab

The idea is to take a great gob of texts that talk about children and process them in such a way as to extract how they talk about children, the different ways the texts characterize children, and to see if there’s a way to organize those different characterizations. Doing this is called defining the “latent…Continue readingMethods: a first stab